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Discovering Alicante: Must-See Sights and Attractions

Hi and there and welcome to Alicante, Spain, where the sun shines brighter, the beaches are warmer, and the photo opportunities are endless. If you're anything like me, you've got your camera in hand and a thirst for capturing the beauty of the world around you. Well, get ready to be inspired because Alicante is a photographer's paradise, and I'm here to be your personal tour guide through its stunning sights.

Alicante old town

Introduction: Discovering Alicante's Charm

Let's kick things off with a little backstory. I have a family member who has owned a villa just outside Alicante for going on twenty years. So I first visited Alicante many years ago in February to blow away the winter cobwebs. As it happened the sun did not stop shining and I got a little scorched walking up to the castle. I've been back several times since and have always loved the city's vibrancy and energy. This charming city on the Costa Blanca has something for everyone – from ancient castles to pristine beaches, vibrant markets to bustling promenades. and if like me you like to add a little photography sauce to your travel diet then grab your camera and tuck in!

Alicante Sights and Attractions

1. Conquer the Castle of Santa Barbara

Castle of Santa Barbara Alicante

Perched high atop Mount Benacantil, the Castle of Santa Barbara is Alicante's crowning jewel – a testament to the city's rich history and heritage. Dating back over a thousand years, this ancient fortress offers panoramic views that will take your breath away.

Exploring the Castle Grounds

As you make your way up the winding paths to the castle, you'll be treated to stunning views of Alicante's skyline and the shimmering Mediterranean Sea below. Once inside the castle walls, you can explore ancient ruins, climb to the top of the towers for even more breathtaking vistas, and even enjoy a leisurely picnic in the shade of centuries-old trees.

Be sure to take some time to explore the castle's impressive turrets and battlements, which offer unparalleled views of the surrounding countryside. From here, you can see for miles in every direction – a perfect opportunity to capture some truly stunning photos of Alicante.

Tips for Capturing Castle Majesty

  • Panoramic Views: Once you reach the summit, take a moment to soak in the breathtaking panoramic views of Alicante below. These sweeping vistas make for stunning landscape shots that are sure to wow your friends back home and bolstore your holiday portfolio.

  • Details Matter: Don't forget to zoom in on the intricate details of the castle itself. From the ancient stone walls to the weathered battlements, there's plenty of history waiting to be captured through your lens.

  • Black and White : If the sun is out take advantage of the hard shadows and leading lines and loo for some contrasty bold images

Tourists walking through the castle of Santa Barbara

2. Playa del Postiguet: Sun, Sand, and Sea

Sometime those of us in charge of capturing family memories can forget about those who may just want some beach time. With its golden sands, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant atmosphere, it's the perfect place to soak up the sun and enjoy some fun in the surf. You can always try to do something a little more creative than the usual holiday snaps.

Alicante Beach

3. Wander Through the Historic Barrio Santa Cruz

One of my favorite things about Alicante is its charming old town, Barrio Santa Cruz. With its narrow cobblestone streets, whitewashed buildings, and colorful flower pots, it's a photographer's dream come true. I spent hours wandering through its winding alleys, camera in hand, and never once got bored.

Tips for Capturing Old Town Charm

  • Get Lost: The best way to experience Barrio Santa Cruz is to simply get lost in its labyrinthine streets. You never know what hidden gems you'll stumble upon, so don't be afraid to wander off the beaten path.

  • Street Scenes: Keep your camera ready to capture the vibrant street life that thrives in the heart of the old town. From bustling markets to cozy cafes, there's no shortage of photo opportunities around every corner

Old town buildings in Alicante

5. Explore the Vibrant Explanada de España

Esplanada De Espana

Last but certainly not least, no visit to Alicante would be complete without a stroll along the Explanada de España. This picturesque waterfront promenade is lined with palm trees, colorful tiles, and bustling cafes, making it the perfect spot for people-watching and photography alike.

Tips for Capturing Promenade Vibes

  • Capture the Colors: The vibrant tiles that line the promenade are a photographer's dream, especially in the soft glow of sunset. Be sure to snap plenty of photos to capture the kaleidoscope of colors that line the waterfront.

  • Embrace the Energy: The Explanada de España is a hub of activity, with locals and tourists alike gathering to soak in the sunshine and enjoy the lively atmosphere. Don't be afraid to snap candid shots of the people and street performers that bring the promenade to life.

4. Marvel at the Exquisite Architecture such as The Basilica of Santa Maria

In Alicante, Spanish architecture is a captivating blend of historical influences and modern aesthetics. Walking through the city's streets, you'll encounter a fascinating array of architectural styles, from medieval fortresses to Baroque churches and colorful, Moorish-inspired facades. The iconic Basilica of Santa Maria stands as a testament to Alicante's rich architectural heritage, with its intricate Gothic details and imposing presence.

eathtaking stained glass windows. Needless to say, my camera got quite the architectural workout in Alicante.

Alicante church

Tips for Capturing Architectural Beauty

  • Play with Light: The interplay of light and shadow can add depth and drama to your architectural photos. Experiment with different angles and exposures to capture the basilica's intricate details in a whole new light.

  • Focus on Details: Don't forget to zoom in on the smaller details that make the basilica so special. From delicate carvings to intricate mosaics, there's no shortage of photo-worthy subjects waiting to be discovered.

Old lamp on a building in Alicante

Conclusion: Your Alicante Adventure Awaits

Well, my friend, that brings us to the end of our whirlwind tour of Alicante's must-see sights and attractions. From ancient castles to pristine beaches, charming neighborhoods to bustling promenades, this city has it all – and it's just waiting to be explored.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to discover the magic of Alicante for yourself. Trust me; you won't be disappointed. ¡Hasta pronto! (See you soon!)

Castle de Santa Barbars



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